Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview on the topic cheating

1.       How do you feel about cheating?
I don’t like cheating I think it’s wrong and a waste of time.
2.       Have you ever cheated?
No I haven’t ever cheated.
3.       Do you think cheating discriminates?
No I don’t think cheating discriminates because black people have cheated and so do whites.
4.       What do you think about when you hear the word cheat?
I think of a liar.
5.       Do you think men that cheaters should be able to get another chance?
It depends on the situation like if they have a justifiable reason for doing so.
6.       Do you agree with the phrase “why not just be single and not cheat?”
Yes because it makes no sense to cheat you might as well be single and do your own thing.
7.       Can cheaters ever be trusted again?
Some cheaters I guess can be trusted again it’s just how to gain that trust back I guess.
8.       Why do you think some people cheat?
People cheat for many different reasons some could be just because there trying to get back at that person.
9.       Have you ever been cheated on?

10.   What do you think people could do to stop the cheating?
People could just be faithful and commit to that one person. Just talk about their problems a little more.
Interviewer Tiffany Pearson Interviewd by Tomecia Glenn


  1. I agree with this because i was the interviwer and,I really think cheating is a waste of my time and not okay. Your not a man of God, if your going to such a bad thing like that to someone you truly care about!

  2. I agree you are not a man of God if you are willing to cheat because you are taking the cowardly way out.
