Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hi again ! Now I don't think I ever gave you my personal opinion on cheating and if I have, well you can just hear it again. Now cheating in my opinion is wrong and I have many reasons why. Some of them are because when cheating in a relationship, you lose alot of trust in those situations. Cheating to me is the most worthless thing ever. I mean why cheat ? Why not make it easier for you and that person and just be single. I know that you may love that person you go with but you saying you love them and than going to be with another person while still with them is not called love. Being cheated on by the one you love is hurtful. Said by the blogger Mike Hardcastle" Cheaters are motivated by their own needs. They ignore right and wrong in order to satisfy those needs. They act selfishly and think only of what they want with little concern for those they hurt. Along with cheating is also lying. Have you ever heard of that phrase liars cheat and cheaters lie? Well they pretty much go hand and hand. I remember I once with a  boy that lied to me about his age. Like just flat out lied about it, I mean some people lie about where they come from or how much money they have, but if you going to lie about your age to everyone than how could you be trusted with anything else? I mean what the heck is the purpose of that anyways? It aint like you was running from the law or nothing. Well shoot maybe he was...Nooo If he wasnt good at lying about his age I know he wouldnt be good at lying about running from the law. Some people today can be so selfish with life with how they lie, cheat and steal from the people they love. I know one thing, ill never be one of those people.


  1. Well i agree with you on the NO CHEATING thing but i feel like if you gone cheat atleast be real about it.

  2. Yes i also agree with Delvin, if you are going to cheat atleast being single

  3. Thank you for agreeing I feel the exact same way !*
