Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Compare and Contrast

Okay seeing how this blog will be about compare and contrast I thought I would compare the ways men and women cheat on each other. Now if you remember in my last blog I told you that I have been cheated on, and the way he cheated on me was just basically lying and saying that didn't do what someone told me they seen him doing. Thats Dumb rite? I mean why not be honest about it? Even though I have never cheated I do have some people in my life that have done it. What I have noticed is that when I see boys cheat, they tend to get caught way before that had a chance to enjoy it. Rather than when a girl does it she could be going with a random guy and be done with him before the boy even had a chance to look through her phone. Well thats if the girl allows that. Boys also tend to talk a lot with there friends about the girl that they are cheating with. They tell this person that another person tells this girl than before you know it Boom ! Its back to your girlfriend. Girls on the other hand can simply keep quiet about the situation and not have there boyfriends find out a thing. Do you get what I'm saying here? Boys are not that smart at cheating. They get caught and bout time they get everything cleared out with there girlfriends, the girlfriends there over. Now I'm also not saying that girls never get caught either because it is a few naive ones out there, but we do seem to get away with it a little more than guys do. Like on this one episode of Jersey Shore. I'm sure you've seen it I mean who hasn't right? It was the episode where Sammie who is Ron's ex-girlfriend, got caught seeking around with some ugly looking fella. I mean for real dude had a big nose and everything. Sammie had just previously left the house and came back and went to a club that night to supposedly meet a guy who she said was just her friend but turned out to be something a little more than that. How this relates to my topic is because her ex-boyfriend Ron had cheated on her a few months earlier in Miami and she found out about it so now she got caught but what made it so weird is nobody knew. There is wise saying my mom always tells me and it was that “you can't have your cake and eat it too.” That simply means you can't have a girlfriend or boyfriend and have another one on the side. I mean if you have one how could you deal with being with two?


  1. I don't agree with you on the men cheating part because men DON'T cheat it's the LADIES that need to be watched & whats wrong with having your cake & eating it too.?

  2. whats wrong with having your cake and eating it too is that its not possible !* And men cheat just like woman cheat. They just don't know how not to get caught!

  3. I disagree with Delvin, usually men dont care about other woman's feeling and they neglect the person.
