Thursday, April 21, 2011

No More Cheating !*

Awwwww sad to say but its the last and final blog post. Well what I would have to say about this experience with posting blogs is I've learned how to look up reasearch and also how to add quotes,videos, and attach pictures to my blog. I've enjoyed stating my opinions about the subject of cheating and what I think and how I feel about it. Like I've stated in all my previous blogs is that I don't understand why some people cheat. My thing is if you might as well be single and do your own thing rather than cheat on the person that you say you supposly love. I feel that if you cheat on that person your with and you say that you love them you could also fall in love you are cheating with and that's not true love. I've expressed in many diffrent ways how boys cheat and girls cheat als how they do it diffrently. Boys get caught most of the time while there cheating and girls could go awhile without getting caught. Even though its still all very wrong its the way of the world and people are still gonna do it. After researching about Tiger Woods and how he cheated on his wife. It made me realize how no matter how much money a person may have and how happy they are, that everyone still has some skeletons in there closet and not one relationship is perfect.Being cheated on I would know. Cheating is the way of life. Not something to be happy and proud of but it is something that's not going to go away. People cheat on all kinds of things . There diet, math tests, and as you know on the spouses. I thank by not cheating you have a little bit more respect for yourself and the person your going with and that makes a good relationship. I am happy to know that I've learned a lot from doing these blogs and I hope tha I can learn some more from them. I will never forget how much work I put into having you all read a great blog and keep interested to keep coming back to read more of them. I hope you enjoyed this last and final blog about my thoughts and feelings on cheating. I ask that if your reading this that you try not to cheat and just be single instead. In order to make things right sometimes we have to start with ourselves.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Hi again, seeing as how we can blog about anything I wanted to post something about relationships. Since I'm always talking about cheating and how things can be affected after doing it, but I wanna talk about love and how some adults think that just because were teenagers that love is something we can't feel each other. Now I know all adults think that just because were teenagers, we can't have love and care for a boyfriend or girlfriend just like they do, and all can say about that statement is how much of a clichéd opinion that is, and that it just so happens that we can. For example we have 39 and 40 year old couples that fight and argue but in the end still love each other. Well we also got 17 and 18 year old couples that do that also. So why again the sudden thought that we don't know what love is? I think that love is something you feel and have for a person. Like you would do anything for that person. Not necessarily the Ole Bruno Mars way of "catching a grenade or getting hit by a train" for someone but you know risking your life for someone could be a way to express your love for them. Couldn't be me though! Anyways the point of this blog is to show that even though we are young and still growing we may have experience the same amount of love that we have for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Its not fair that just because were teenagers that we can't have the same feelings as an adult. But Ole well, I guess thats just how the way of the world works.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Compare and Contrast

Okay seeing how this blog will be about compare and contrast I thought I would compare the ways men and women cheat on each other. Now if you remember in my last blog I told you that I have been cheated on, and the way he cheated on me was just basically lying and saying that didn't do what someone told me they seen him doing. Thats Dumb rite? I mean why not be honest about it? Even though I have never cheated I do have some people in my life that have done it. What I have noticed is that when I see boys cheat, they tend to get caught way before that had a chance to enjoy it. Rather than when a girl does it she could be going with a random guy and be done with him before the boy even had a chance to look through her phone. Well thats if the girl allows that. Boys also tend to talk a lot with there friends about the girl that they are cheating with. They tell this person that another person tells this girl than before you know it Boom ! Its back to your girlfriend. Girls on the other hand can simply keep quiet about the situation and not have there boyfriends find out a thing. Do you get what I'm saying here? Boys are not that smart at cheating. They get caught and bout time they get everything cleared out with there girlfriends, the girlfriends there over. Now I'm also not saying that girls never get caught either because it is a few naive ones out there, but we do seem to get away with it a little more than guys do. Like on this one episode of Jersey Shore. I'm sure you've seen it I mean who hasn't right? It was the episode where Sammie who is Ron's ex-girlfriend, got caught seeking around with some ugly looking fella. I mean for real dude had a big nose and everything. Sammie had just previously left the house and came back and went to a club that night to supposedly meet a guy who she said was just her friend but turned out to be something a little more than that. How this relates to my topic is because her ex-boyfriend Ron had cheated on her a few months earlier in Miami and she found out about it so now she got caught but what made it so weird is nobody knew. There is wise saying my mom always tells me and it was that “you can't have your cake and eat it too.” That simply means you can't have a girlfriend or boyfriend and have another one on the side. I mean if you have one how could you deal with being with two?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Interview on the topic cheating

1.       How do you feel about cheating?
I don’t like cheating I think it’s wrong and a waste of time.
2.       Have you ever cheated?
No I haven’t ever cheated.
3.       Do you think cheating discriminates?
No I don’t think cheating discriminates because black people have cheated and so do whites.
4.       What do you think about when you hear the word cheat?
I think of a liar.
5.       Do you think men that cheaters should be able to get another chance?
It depends on the situation like if they have a justifiable reason for doing so.
6.       Do you agree with the phrase “why not just be single and not cheat?”
Yes because it makes no sense to cheat you might as well be single and do your own thing.
7.       Can cheaters ever be trusted again?
Some cheaters I guess can be trusted again it’s just how to gain that trust back I guess.
8.       Why do you think some people cheat?
People cheat for many different reasons some could be just because there trying to get back at that person.
9.       Have you ever been cheated on?

10.   What do you think people could do to stop the cheating?
People could just be faithful and commit to that one person. Just talk about their problems a little more.
Interviewer Tiffany Pearson Interviewd by Tomecia Glenn

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ok so I guess the blog this week is going to be just a review of my previous blogs, but instead of listing my sources and how I feel I’m just going to relate it all to a book I’m reading now. The book is called Drive me crazy, and what it’s about is this guy named driver who is a convicted who got out of jail and who was hired as a limousine driver by his boss named Wolf. Now Wolfs is suppose to be Drivers good buddy but as I continued to read I realized that driver has a thing for Wolf’s wife Lisa. Turns out that Wolf’s wife and Driver had sex in Wolf’s house and he has yet to know about it. Now how does this relate to my topic you ask? Well my blog is clearly about cheating and in this story there seems to be a lot of it. In my opinion I think that Driver is completely wrong in this situation because Wolf is his boss and has been nothing but a good friend to him and Driver just went behind his back with his wife and had sex with her. What I’m thinking is that Driver may have hurt Wolf and disrespected his home very much but the way they describe Wolf’s wife in the book is they make it sound like that almost every man would want her.  I’m not saying in any kind of way that they were right in that situation but that Driver might have been guilty of lust. That being said for all you cheaters out there who like to lie and creep don’t think that its ever okay for you to do that to your partner without any kind of hurt from that person, even if you have a good reason ! Cheating is taking the coward way out of things, and trust me you don't wanna be that coward! This book is a really good book and will teach the wrong and right way to go. This book was published July in 2004.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hi again ! Now I don't think I ever gave you my personal opinion on cheating and if I have, well you can just hear it again. Now cheating in my opinion is wrong and I have many reasons why. Some of them are because when cheating in a relationship, you lose alot of trust in those situations. Cheating to me is the most worthless thing ever. I mean why cheat ? Why not make it easier for you and that person and just be single. I know that you may love that person you go with but you saying you love them and than going to be with another person while still with them is not called love. Being cheated on by the one you love is hurtful. Said by the blogger Mike Hardcastle" Cheaters are motivated by their own needs. They ignore right and wrong in order to satisfy those needs. They act selfishly and think only of what they want with little concern for those they hurt. Along with cheating is also lying. Have you ever heard of that phrase liars cheat and cheaters lie? Well they pretty much go hand and hand. I remember I once with a  boy that lied to me about his age. Like just flat out lied about it, I mean some people lie about where they come from or how much money they have, but if you going to lie about your age to everyone than how could you be trusted with anything else? I mean what the heck is the purpose of that anyways? It aint like you was running from the law or nothing. Well shoot maybe he was...Nooo If he wasnt good at lying about his age I know he wouldnt be good at lying about running from the law. Some people today can be so selfish with life with how they lie, cheat and steal from the people they love. I know one thing, ill never be one of those people.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Not To Cheat !

Wow this blog is about how do's and since my blog is about cheating I guess it would be a good idea if I told you how not to cheat instead of how to. Ahahahahahah, wow could you picture that me telling you how to cheat? I mean theres not really much techqince there if you ask me. But how not to cheat, here we go. Well for many people kissing other people while in a relationship or talking a certain way to another peson could also be identified as cheating. Some ways to avoid that would be to do the exact opposit of that. Lets say boy if your going with this really nice girl who you love and just can't stop thinking about everytime you guys are seperate from each other, and some other girl who you don't even know tries to holler at you, and fir the older people that simply means trying to get to know you. Well you knowing you have a girlfriend and how that would make her feel if she found out you were talking to this girl. You could be a player and try to talk to her or you could do the right thing and let the girl know that you have a girlfriend and that you are not intrested in what she wants from you. You see its up to us to try and be better people and have the will power to say no to others stupidity. Us giving into that kind of stuff would make us stupid, and no one wants to be called stupid!