Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Not To Cheat !

Wow this blog is about how do's and since my blog is about cheating I guess it would be a good idea if I told you how not to cheat instead of how to. Ahahahahahah, wow could you picture that me telling you how to cheat? I mean theres not really much techqince there if you ask me. But how not to cheat, here we go. Well for many people kissing other people while in a relationship or talking a certain way to another peson could also be identified as cheating. Some ways to avoid that would be to do the exact opposit of that. Lets say boy if your going with this really nice girl who you love and just can't stop thinking about everytime you guys are seperate from each other, and some other girl who you don't even know tries to holler at you, and fir the older people that simply means trying to get to know you. Well you knowing you have a girlfriend and how that would make her feel if she found out you were talking to this girl. You could be a player and try to talk to her or you could do the right thing and let the girl know that you have a girlfriend and that you are not intrested in what she wants from you. You see its up to us to try and be better people and have the will power to say no to others stupidity. Us giving into that kind of stuff would make us stupid, and no one wants to be called stupid!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Celebrities cheat too !

So I know everyone has heard about the professional Golfer Tiger Woods cheating on his wife, and if you haven't than first off where have you been? Since i have a little time ill give you an update on it. Now on April. 30,2010 Mr. Woods confessed to his wife that he had cheated with 120 women. Talk about a dog. Like how do you have time for all those woman anyways? Don't you know the trouble it is with one of us. With all are emotions and needs and hormones...Well I guess I'm gonna stop it there. Although Tiger Woods is a good prime example of a cheater he's definitely not the only one. It was indeed said from my sources that Eva Longoria's husband Tony Parke was caught cheating. Now that really makes me sad, but to me he wasn't all that cute anyways. Someone who is called one of the prettiest girls on the earth,[Not said by me] could do a lot better, and i do mean a lot. Statistics say that men have 83% or 3 of every 4 of cheating. And almost the same for married women.<--- But I doubt it about the woman. Now I'm not saying that woman are just these saints but come on were the ones trying to find out ways to make it work after finding out we've been cheated on. Woman go through a lot with these so called men. Some that my mom use to tell me "only wanting one thing from ya." I think what we go through makes us strong and powerful, but thats only the ones that don't allow those to do things to keep us down. The strong ones are the ones who have the courage to get back up.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Did You Cheating Effects Your Surrounding

Did you know cheating on your partner may affect you but it also affects your partners friends and there surroundings. People made songs about cheating and how they felt when there friend was getting cheated on. I mean I once had a friend that was cheated on and his or her name shall remain nameless. It was one night when I was just watching t.v. You know just minding my own business and all of a sudden I got a phone call from this person and they told me what there partner had done and how bad they had hurt them. Hearing how hurt my friend was, that didn't make me feel good at all either. The reason because is when you are that close with a person where you call them your family and you only want to see them happy it also hurts you too and makes you feel a little of what they are feeling. Also there is a little something called a transfer of energy and transferring one mood to another persons. When I hear that one of my friends have been cheated on the first thing i do with my friend is talk and address the situation. By doing that i mean i ask him/her what she thnks about the sistuation and if she is willing o tlk to him to try and fix it. Being cheated on once before myself I defintely know how it feels and all I could do for that person is try to be there for them just how somebody was there for me".It hurts me your man's leaving you all alone." Said Chante Moore in her Chante has a Man song. You know it suprises me sometimes how coldhearted these people in this world are. But in some ways it doesn't shock me. Thats all some people know and what they do to survive.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cheaters !

Now I know everyone may or may have not heard that song… you know “woman lie men lie, but if you have’t that soong is talking about liars. Well obviously right the songs pretty self explanitory, but this blogs not about liars; well not really anyways. Just a sort of type of liar. Do You know what that may be? Tick tick tick ding! The blogs about  cheaters. Right the people that you may be sitting next to in class and they look on your paper  to get an answer or two, those people you may go wit who look in the eyes and tell you that they feel something different that they never felt with another person but could be telling those same words to someone completely different. Yess those are the  cheaters. Now to talk and blog about the subject of cheating you would obviously have to experience it.  So me publishing this right now I will tell you that I have. Cheated on by someone who wanted answers off a test, not really sure if they were the right answers but thats there lost for cheating, and Cheated on by someone I liked, loved, and trusted. Cheaters are all around us. Liars with hidden agendas. Cheathers have know predjuice. They come in big, small, fat, ugly, cute, black, white, and heck maybe even blue. Well I don’t really know about blue, but im sure you get my point. Cheaters don't care who you are or what your doing. especially now a days. People cheating on people thats uglier than who they cheaten on its such a shame. What is it in some people that allows them to be cheathers? I mean really why not just tell the truth and get it over with. I rather go out with the truth and earn respect, than go out with a lie and look like uh uhhhhh uh well heck a liar, but hey that is all a cheater is..right ?